Exploring Low Code Platforms: A Trial Run

by Jimmy Van Houton

The software development landscape continues to evolve, with simpler and easier-to-use solutions replacing the complex. Low-Code platforms are one of those solutions, providing ecom businesses and platforms a simpler alternative to how online platforms are built. This revolution is empowering developers to create sophisticated digital applications with minimal coding effort. Non-developers with next-to-no coding experience are also taking advantage of this approach to software development. This article will throw some light on the features, benefits, and potential challenges of low code platforms. 

Understanding Low-Code platforms

Low code is a visual approach to software development, allowing for faster delivery of applications with minimal coding. So, per this definition, a low code platform is one created without using complex programming languages. Most of the components of these platforms are pretty much ‘drag and drop,’ saving time and costs during the development process. 

It’s also worth knowing that programs and platforms created using low code solutions have almost the same amount of code as those built using traditional coding methods. 

The Key Features Of Low Code Platforms

Some features distinguish Low-Code platforms from the ones created through conventional coding. 

Pre-built components, modules, and templates

One of the main features of low code platforms is that platform components and modules are pre-built, which is why you can drag and drop them onto your canvas. Components like backend functionalities and user interface elements are easy to incorporate into your platform. You’ll also find several already-created templates designed to suit different applications.

Drag-and-drop interface

This is the first and most prominent feature, as it simplifies the application-building process. Even if you have limited coding experience, you can easily drag and drop already-built components and elements onto a visual canvas, from databases to forms and buttons. 

Visual modeling or development interface

Instead of using complex traditional coding, visual modeling allows you to use graphical representations to design applications. Thanks to the drag-and-drop feature, you can migrate flowcharts, interface components, and data tables onto a canvas. 

Mobile development options

The features of low code also extend to mobile applications. It’s easy to optimize built-in tools, templates, and components to create applications for Android and iOS platforms, even if you have minimal coding expertise. 

Benefits Of Low Code Platforms

Low-Code platforms offer several benefits, especially for business owners and entrepreneurs looking to save time and money when creating ecom platforms. Here are some of the most noticeable benefits. 

  • It takes less time to develop a platform: You can reduce the time it takes to develop an app or digital platform by at least 15 times when you use a low code development solution. 
  • Minimal investment costs: Even if you don’t have top-level programming and coding skills, you won’t have to hire the expensive services of developers. You only need to assemble the right collection of low code tools and half of your coding work is sorted. 
  • It makes the developer more productive: The features (mentioned above) of low code development platforms can make a developer significantly more productive than when using conventional coding solutions. 
  • It bridges the gap between small businesses and industry giants: Large businesses with huge resources can afford to spend as much money as necessary on top-level application development. But because low code platforms minimize spending, small businesses can create competing applications with significantly less money.

Potential Challenges Of Low Code Platforms 

Despite the many benefits, low code presents some possible challenges. For example, you may experience limited flexibility, especially if your developers need to design complex requirements.

There are also scalability issues, as the low code technology isn’t designed to handle high traffic levels, leading to performance problems. Some developers have also complained about limited customization when they need to tailor their applications to meet unique needs. Security risks are also a cause for concern when developers have to rely on third-party pre-built components. That increases the likelihood of portal security breaches. 

Choosing The Right Low Code Platform: What To Consider 

A few things are worth considering if you’re thinking of choosing a low code platform. 


Low-code tech solutions usually come with lower security barriers, making for comparatively easier entry. That easily happens when people with no background in IT security use low code to develop applications. 


You must be certain that your low code platform can integrate with all of your existing systems. And it’s even better if you can achieve this with the right connectors.


A good low code platform should allow you to access and incorporate data from any source without worrying about costly database programming and expensive migration processes. Because most have pre-built connectors, you can easily migrate data onto an application. 


Low-Code development is revolutionizing how applications are built by simplifying the process. Today, individuals with little to no coding experience can deliver contemporary digital platform solutions without compromising on quality. But it’s also important to consider its potential problems when finding the right low-code solution.

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