Creative Crafting: Fun and Exciting DIY Projects for the Weekend

by Jimmy Van Houton

DIY projects are always fun to do, and if you’ve got a weekend coming up with nothing planned, that could be the perfect time to get started on that creative crafting you’ve been wanting to do but haven’t yet gotten around to. And if it happens to keep you occupied and will brighten up your home (or perhaps make the ideal gift for a friend or loved one), then it’s definitely worth looking into. With that in mind, here are some excellent options for a fun weekend of DIY crafting projects that you’ll love. Read on to find out more. 


One of the best ways to enjoy a weekend of crafting time is to get some upcycling done. Upcycling means taking an old piece of furniture (or sometimes art, for example) and reinventing it, turning it from dull and perhaps unused into a brand new (looking) piece that you can enjoy having in your home. 

An old dining chair is a great example and could make a great DIY project. You can sand down the wood, reupholster the cushion, and add new padding – all at once, you’ve got what looks like an entirely different chair! Although this is a job that will take time and patience, it’s also something that will give you plenty of satisfaction, and the fact that you’ll end up with something new in your home is a bonus. It’s not just dining chairs, either; you can upcycle armchairs, coffee tables, nightstands, and anything else that looks like it’s seen better days. 

Customize Your Clothing

Another great DIY craft that you can enjoy over the course of a weekend is making some changes to your wardrobe. We don’t mean going shopping (although if you want to head to a second hand store to get started with this idea, that could be a good thing to do – you’ll see why shortly); we mean taking the clothes in your closet and personalizing them in some way, adding some sparkle to old items that might otherwise have been thrown out, or at least forgotten about at the back of your closet. 

Take a look through your clothes and see if there’s anything you don’t wear anymore (or even something you do wear that you’d like to change in some way). If you don’t find anything, that’s when going to the thrift store can work well – you’ll find plenty of items in there you can use. 

Once you’ve found the clothes you want to customize, you can go to town on making the changes. You might want to dye garments a different color or perhaps add embellishments like embroidery, patches, or zippers. You can cut pants down or add length to sleeves, and it’s all about experimenting. That’s why it’s best to start with some old clothes (or second-hand clothes), just in case you don’t like the outcome. Once you’ve got a bit more confidence, you can customize your favorite pieces and enjoy a unique look. 

Create A Wall Mural 

They say that having a feature wall in your living room or perhaps bedroom is a good idea when it comes to your interior design, but what if you could turn that feature wall into something completely unique and personal to you? Rather than just putting up some wallpaper or painting that particular wall a different color to the rest of the room, why not get to work over the course of a weekend creating a DIY wall mural instead? 

You don’t have to be a fabulous artist to do this, although if you do happen to have skill in that area, that’s great – you can definitely use it on this creative challenge. All you really need is a wild imagination and the materials to make your vision come to life, and you can get started. When it comes to materials, that will include paint, masking tape, stencils, and dust sheets to protect your furniture and flooring. You’ll also need a few different paintbrushes or even rollers to get the desired effect, giving you the option of making lines of different thicknesses and so on. 

As for designs, the choice is yours, and you can do anything you like. You might want to do some random shapes if you’re not an artist exactly, or you might have an idea for a whole story played out in your mural. Maybe you’ll include portraits of friends or family or make some reference to a favorite TV show or movie. The great thing about this is that if you don’t like the result, you can just paint over it and start again!

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