Beginner’s Guide to Retirement Investments: Simplifying Your Choices

by Jimmy Van Houton

If you want to make a retirement investment then it’s important to look at the options you have. Many people recommend saving up to 15% of your income, but some savers fall out of this range. If you have concerns regarding your trajectory then it’s helpful to use a retirement calculator so you can conduct a pressure test. After establishing how much you need to save, it’s then a good idea for you to start building your retirement portfolio. 

Target-Date Funds

One very effective and low-maintenance way for you to maintain asset allocation would be for you to go with a target-date fund. With this, you will pick the right target date, which is the time you’d like to retire, and the investment company will adjust your allocation over time.

Diversification Funds

Diversification is so important. It helps you to limit risk while also increasing the potential for your return. Index funds, mutual funds and ETFs will pool investment money into a pool of different securities. This gives you the chance to diversify without having to manage a lot of securities.

Mutual Funds

For years, mutual funds were actively managed by experts. Teams of portfolio managers would manage, analyze and then select certain stocks that they thought would outperform. In recent years, passive funds, such as index funds, have gained traction. A lot of this comes down to the fact that they’re easier to manage.

Exchange-Traded Funds

ETFs are very similar to mutual funds, but there is a difference. You can trade them throughout the day, like bonds and individual stocks. ETF  prices tend to be lower than the minimum that is required for comparable funds, which allows investors to attain a lot of exposure for an affordable price.

Individual Stocks

Some investors prefer to research and then buy individual stocks and bonds. This can take a lot of time and knowledge.  Dividend stocks can also provide you with a regular source of income, and they can also help you manage your interest rate risk while maintaining steady cash flow.


Another option would be annuities. Some people sleep better knowing that their base expenses are covered by the income streams that they can’t outlive. Purchasing an annuity means you will have a source of income for life. They can be costly though, so make sure that you only buy the features you need because if you don’t then you may end up throwing money down the drain. 

How does it Fit with your Portfolio?

When choosing an investment product, you need to keep the bigger picture in mind. You need to think about your risk tolerance, time horizon and goals. Together, these factors will help you to take advantage of optimal asset allocation for your total investment portfolio.

Retirement accounts should be a major part of your portfolio because they have the longest time horizon. In some accounts, you will smooth your entry into the market over a long period by taking advantage of dollar averaging. Retirement accounts are a great place for you to trade often and to be more active. You will not pay any taxes into a traditional IRA or a 401(k) until you make a withdrawal.

Aggressive Allocation with Your Retirement Accounts

If you want to balance a more aggressive allocation with your retirement account then you need to be conservative with your taxable brokerage account. Accounts like this are going to be used first so that any short-term goals can be satisfied. Remember that the asset allocation and the underlying investment of your account should not be static. You will need to be more conservative with your investment as time goes on, so you can set up for withdrawing your funds as you approach the age of retirement. 

Which Retirement Account Should You Use?

Now that you are familiar with some of the top retirement accounts, which one should you use? Some of the best options would be employer-sponsored plans, pension plans, IRAs and profit-sharing plans. By doing this, you can then make retirement planning easier, while safeguarding your financial future. If you’re not quite sure how to go about monitoring your investments or if you want to make sure that you get the most out of the money you have then one thing you can do is hire a financial advisor. This, when combined with an investment advisor, can help you to not only invest the right amount of money but also in the right stocks and accounts.

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